Yesterday my daughter tantrumed for over three hours. It was loud. It was long. Too long. After talking through what caused this, hours later, she told me that when I was touching her chin to talk quietly, giving her direction for a transition we were making, she didn't see me. She saw her birth mother trying to choke her. She wept as she sat in my lap, while telling me her birth parents tried to choke her every day. She told me that everything goes black and she has flashbacks at random times when I would never imagine this to be possible. I was not even close to her neck, I gently touched her chin so she could be at my eye level and hear my soft words. Transitions are so difficult for her and I was handling this one as all the therapists and counselors have instructed me over the past nearly four years. My heart broke. We cried together as we held each other tightly. She went to blow her nose and asked for a minute to write a note to me befo...
Journeying toward a deeper more meaningful life with Faith.